How are Skyscrapers Built?

Skyscrapers are being built across the country and around the globe. Many buildings seem to be getting taller, more intricate in detail, and more advanced architecturally each and every year. How are skyscrapers made? A skyscraper often refers to a high-rise building with over 40-50 floors. Many built-up cities around the world have utilized the technology and advances to build skywards in order to help boost inner-city populations and offices for thriving businesses.

Site selection

The site selection process is the most important process. The factors are determined by whether the skyscraper can be constructed and how will it affect the surrounding area. The construction cost and seismic area for the skyscraper are assessed. Site selection plays a very certain role in how are skyscrapers made?

Architecture and Design and Engineering

When it comes to constructing a Skyscraper architecture and design are the most crucial phase. The architect does all the designing and mapping calculations on whether the structure can stand on its own or not. This phase is called “schematic design” it includes the communication between the expert groups such as Civil Engineers, Electrical, mechanical engineers, plumbers, and project managers.


The process begins with digging deep down in the ground to create a foundation. The foundation is made up of concrete columns that extend deep into the earth. The concrete pillars are the support the building which allows the skyscraper to stand tall.

Advances in Steel

Iron and steel have helped architects to reach new heights in their efforts to build taller buildings. It was not possible to keep the width and strength of concrete foundations. Long beams of solid iron are a lightweight material that helps hold more weight to help build a taller building.

Creating a Steel Skeleton

Skyscrapers are created using a steel skeleton structure. Giant grids are formed by riveting metal beams joined end to end to form vertical columns. The vertical columns are connected to a horizontal girder beam to help strengthen the structure. For additional support, diagonal beams between the girders are also used. This grid is known as the superstructure. The weight of the building is then distributed to the vertical columns.

Engineering for Elevators

The more the number of floors a building has, the number of people occupying the building increases. With the increasing need to use elevators to climb more of the floors. The number of elevators depends on how many floors the building will have. But with increased elevator, also reduces the amount of floor space for each floor as the elevator shaft takes up more space. Designing tall buildings also requires attention to detail regarding elevators, stairways, and how people will move in and out of the building.
